World View's 'Stratollite' Balloon Stays Aloft for Record 32 Days

October 1, 2019

Arizona-based World View Enterprises has broken its previous record for the longest duration for its high-altitude balloon system, the Stratollite®. The platform stayed in the air for 32 days on its latest test flight, double its previous duration record, and flew over 6,960 miles during the month-long test. World View president and CEO Ryan Hartman said the achievement "sets the stage for a challenging set of missions ahead of us as we continue to push the envelope".

Stratollite can carry various payloads and is maneuvered under full navigational control, meaning it has many potential uses, such as monitoring natural disasters and military reconnaissance.

The platform's name is a combination of "stratosphere" and "satellite", and it is designed to give users long-term, bird's-eye views of large areas of ground. World View is also developing a crewed balloon system, Voyager, which will offer views of Earth from 100,000 feet up, three times higher than commercial airlines fly.


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