World View Is Taking A KFC Chicken Sandwich To The 'Edge Of Space'

June 13, 2017

World View Enterprises, a space tourism company, has partnered with Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) to launch a Zinger chicken sandwich to the edge of space. KFC plans to promote its Zinger chicken sandwich with the space mission, which is being called "Mission: Zinger." The sandwich is set to be sent to an altitude of 75,000 feet in a high-altitude balloon, with the goal of spending four days at altitude before making a controlled descent to Earth with a parachute. The mission is planned for later this month and will be streamed live on Facebook and the World View website. The launch will use one of World View's Stratollite high-altitude balloons. World View's Stratollite platform is designed to carry payloads to the stratosphere and keep them aloft for long periods of time, using a balloon and solar power to remain in place. The company hopes to use its Stratollite technology to offer a variety of commercial and government services, such as imaging and remote sensing capabilities.


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